Ask any female, and they will tell you that wearing a bra can be considered torture. They pinch, they don't move the same way you do, they dig into your shoulders, they're hot, the underwire finds it's way out of the fabric and pokes you...Although better than the previous undergarment (the corset), these things are dangerous! For a brief history, go here and here.
Choosing a bra is another form of torture - push up, shaping or minimizing? Underwire or soft support? Full cup or demi? Fancy, lacy, sexy little thing (that barely stays on) or practical? Racerback? Strapless? Halter? Do you choose a color that's sure to show through your white blouse? How much sense does that make? Victoria Secret is offering colors such as fiesta pink, grape sorbet, lime, cayman blue, pink raspberry, pool blue, and rosita pink. Does anyone really need a cross-dyed bra?
Still as cruel as they sometimes are, time and gravity is more cruel. So I continue to wear one. Even those 20-year old bra-burners of the 60s and 70s are back to being strapped in now that they're in their fifties and sixties.
Torture? Millions of women have been wearing bras for decades. C'mon! Humiliating? That's when your strap breaks and you have one breast on your chest and another hang down 'round mid-thigh.
Given the choice between wearing a bra and having my head sawed off, there's no real thought that needs to go into that....